Monday, November 29, 2010


My name is Kiara Mosley.  I am a freshman.  I am in 5th hour tech apps with Ms. Brown.  In this class, I'm looking forward to the life project we will be doing.  I am also looking forward to the music genre project.  I like using the Mac laptops because there are a lot of applications to use and it gives you more sources already on your computer.  I like the built in web cams.  Also, being able to take screen shots is a good option.  I also like how fast they are compared to other computers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! i got done with my m&m thing and i am really bored, so i thought i would comment on your blogy thing. so i am! ahahha u r on the othe side of the room behind a wall so i cant talk to u wich is no fun at all. i am at a table with only guys too!!! im not all that happy about it either! well im gonna go soooo bye!!! :)
