Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I liked and disliked making the storyboard. It was pretty easy  because all we had to do was come up with questions for ours.  The reason why I did not like the project was because it was boring, and i would rather go straight to making the movie. I also did not like it because we could not do any interviews which is what our whole powerpoint / movie was about The reason why I liked is because it made it easier to come up with the order of the questions.  I also liked the project because it gave us time to come up with more ideas for our movie.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

iPhoto Name Project

I enjoyed the iPhoto project.  It was fun to find pictures that looked like the letters of my name.  I also liked looking up things that I liked or that represented me.  Overall I am happy with how my project turned out.  I made all of my photos that represented letters sepia and I like the effect it gave.  I am also happy with my music choice, which was already on the computer.  One thing that I did not like about this project was that I could not really find pictures that did not have a design on them to represent my letters.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Charity Mail Merge

There were easy and hard parts to the mail merge project.  The easy part was using Excel to organize names and addresses.  The hard part was using the mail merge to make the different letters. That was also easy though because it helped you step by step.  I like how you could use a template to help you make the letter  in a good format, but then you could use your creativity to make it fit your charity. I liked the project because  it was sort of fun to pretend to be the representative.  I did not like it because it was hard and it was boring at times because it got old quickly.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

M&M Project

In the M&M project, I learned more about the program called Numbers (Excel was not working).  I learned how to quickly make sums and averages in the columns with the formula button.  The only thing that I did not like while doing this project was that I could not use Excel because it was not working.  One positive thing about that, though, was that I learned how to use Numbers.  We used to do this project each year since about fifth grade at my old school, so I already knew how to do most of the stuff on Excel.

Monday, November 29, 2010


My name is Kiara Mosley.  I am a freshman.  I am in 5th hour tech apps with Ms. Brown.  In this class, I'm looking forward to the life project we will be doing.  I am also looking forward to the music genre project.  I like using the Mac laptops because there are a lot of applications to use and it gives you more sources already on your computer.  I like the built in web cams.  Also, being able to take screen shots is a good option.  I also like how fast they are compared to other computers.