Friday, February 25, 2011

My Life Project

I like this project. It gave me a reason to look through all of my old pictures.  It was fun to put them all together.  There was not anything about this project I did not like.  I think my project turned out really cute.  I like the transitions I used because they looked really cute with all the pictures.  I liked the songs I used also.  The only thing bad about the project was putting information in about 1995 on there.   I think that having that and the works cited ruined the project because it didn't blend in. Overall, I am happy that I have this project to look back on.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Music Genome Project

I did Arena themed music for my tech project.  That's music such as Jock Jams and Rock and Roll Part II.  I liked the project because I really like sports and the music.  I like going to sporting events and listening to music because it gets you pumped.  I also like the general music they play.  I did not like the project because it took up a lot of my time and it was really frustrating when I could not get the videos to match the audio. I ended up liking how it turned out except for a few things like having to end up using a jingle instead of actual sports themed music.  Overall the project was fun.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Zamzar downloading

It was a lot faster and smoother using the zamzar at home.  I do not convert my music on zamzar, but I did do some videos.  I downloaded some footage of sports and people in the stands.  I also found a clip from Remember the Titans.  The only problems I had were that it took a little bit for the emails to send, but it wasn't even that long.  It also took a little while for about 3 of the videos to download.  Two of them said failed at first, but I just had to restart them so they could work.  I ended up getting the videos that I wanted pretty smoothly.

Monday, January 24, 2011

iMovie project

I like this project a lot because I liked that we got to do interviews of other students.  It was fun to do those.  It also was fun because we didn't have to sit on the computer the whole time.  We could walk around to do the interviews.  I like the idea of the project because it will help the incoming Freshman.  If I was just coming into high school again I would want those videos because I think they would have helped a lot. I think that these videos (especially Claire, Emily, and mine) will help the incoming Freshman be better prepared when it comes to the overwhelming first day of school.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Movie Review Podcast

I didn't like the podcast because it was confusing.  There were to many ways to do things.  Also, the jingles got confusing when I tried to put them into the track.  It was also a lot to do in only a little bit of time.  I felt like I was in a hurry.  I also don't like hearing my voice when it's recorded.  Besides that, I liked the project.  I learned more about the garage band application, and it was fun to talk about my favorite movie.  I was happy with how my project turned out for the most part in the end.  I wouldn't mind doing a project like this again.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I liked and disliked making the storyboard. It was pretty easy  because all we had to do was come up with questions for ours.  The reason why I did not like the project was because it was boring, and i would rather go straight to making the movie. I also did not like it because we could not do any interviews which is what our whole powerpoint / movie was about The reason why I liked is because it made it easier to come up with the order of the questions.  I also liked the project because it gave us time to come up with more ideas for our movie.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

iPhoto Name Project

I enjoyed the iPhoto project.  It was fun to find pictures that looked like the letters of my name.  I also liked looking up things that I liked or that represented me.  Overall I am happy with how my project turned out.  I made all of my photos that represented letters sepia and I like the effect it gave.  I am also happy with my music choice, which was already on the computer.  One thing that I did not like about this project was that I could not really find pictures that did not have a design on them to represent my letters.